A incredible collection from surrealist artist, Leonora Carrington’s (1917-2011) “Personajes Fantásticos”  is currently on display in Campeche‘s Centro Historico from February until May.  Secretary of Culture, Carlos Vidal Angles, mentioned the sample is composed of twelve bronze sculptures whose dimensions range from about one to three meters and is showcased in front of the Cathedral.
The collection is made up of the sculptures “The Palmist” , “The Ship of Cramer” , “Cantante muda” , “Elefanta” , “Stallion” , “Dama con tocado” , “El sueño del fuego” , “La madre de los lobos” , “La sombra del ahuehuete” , “Nigromante” , “Paseo a caballo” y “Máscara de la diosa emplumada”.
“Personajes Fantásticos” is a travelling collection and moves throughout Mexico, recently in Coahuila, Mexico City, Cancun, and Merida.
Source: Cultura Colectiva