An Update From Journey Mexico

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Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Travel Community,

First and foremost, I sincerely hope you are all safe, healthy, and doing everything possible to minimize the risks of contracting and spreading the Coronavirus.  We are extremely grateful for the kindness, generosity, and collaborative spirit we have felt in our community as we face unprecedented challenges.  In times of crisis character and leadership matter; you have all gone above and beyond my wildest expectations in our common cause to protect our teams, guests, colleagues, and livelihoods.  I am proud that together we have managed to get all our guests safely home, and our team and colleagues too.

I am writing to inform you that in order to protect our most valued asset, the team at Journey Mexico, we have taken the difficult decision to suspend all non-essential activities.  Our priority is to protect the safety and health of each and every member of our Journey Mexico Family.  From today until the 15th of June we will be operating with a reduced staff; working from home; performing the essential tasks needed to continue operations.  Even more importantly, we will be prepared to jump back into action when it is once again safe to travel. We will be reevaluating this timeline as the situation evolves and will advise if it changes.  While this has been a difficult decision, we are confident that it is the right course – one that will lead us to survive and thrive in a not too distant future.

We are hopeful and confident that this is a momentary pause, even an opportunity that will forge a more united, stronger, and more successful team, community, and country.  We are equally optimistic in a swift and robust recovery as Mexico’s allure continues to grow; at the same time, our passion to share our world-class culture, nature, and adventure knows no limits!  We have weathered crises before and will be here waiting to serve you when the smoke has cleared with the same pride and warmth that has defined Mexico over the centuries.

Finally, I offer my personal time and attention if I can help in any way at all.  We will do everything in our power to exceed your expectations, even in these most trying of times.

Stay safe, strong, compassionate, and positive; together we will get through this. #allinthistogether

Sincerely yours,

Zach & the Journey Mexico Team


Zachary Rabinor
Founder | President | CEO

Posted in: News