Cultural Voyage to Mexico City and Puebla


Destination:  ,

Days: 7

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This unique itinerary has been carefully crafted to delve deep into the artistic wonders of both Mexico City and Puebla, stopping at some of their most beloved museums, residences, and architectural delights.

It begins with an exploration of Teotihuacan, one of the most important Mesoamerican sites in the world, and a guided tour of Mexico City’s historic center. You will then explore the city’s artistic neighborhoods, stopping at Frida Kahlo’s famous Casa Azul. At night, relax in the ultra-luxurious Four Seasons Mexico City hotel, an acclaimed getaway in the exclusive Polanco district.

Next, head to Cholula for an in-depth look at Talavera ceramics and a chance to participate in a painting workshop. Finally, visit Puebla and take a guided tour of this stunning UNESCO World Heritage Site.



Mexico City – Explore the historic center of Mexico’s capital and learn about the art, culture, and politics while visiting some iconic museums

Teotihuacán  – Explore this stunning archaeological zone famous for being the home of some of the world’s largest pyramidal structures, the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon

Paso de Cortes – Enjoy spectacular views of the Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl volcanoes

Puebla – Enjoy a private tour of Puebla’s historic city center, home to more than 70 churches and thousands of colonial buildings

Day 1: Arrive in Mexico City

You will be greeted at the airport and privately transferred to your hotel for check-in and the rest of the evening at leisure.

Overnight: Four Seasons Mexico City


Day 2: Private tour to Teotihuacan, Mexico City historic center tour

Enjoy a full-day experience in Teotihuacán, one of the most important Mesoamerican sites in the Americas.

With the echoes of flutes sounding around you, explore the ancient site, traveling down the Avenue of the Dead, so called because it was the route sacrificial victims walked before climbing the pyramid to be surrendered to the gods. Also climb the towering Pyramids of the Sun and Moon and look across the city and valley of Teotihuacán.

Returning to the capital, your personal, expert guide, will lead you in discovering Mexico’s Mesoamerican, Colonial and Revolutionary history while exploring the historic center of the capital. What is now the heart of this modern city was also once the center of the Aztec world, Tenochtitlan. You will visit the main square, the Cathedral built upon the main Aztec temple by the Spanish conquistadors, as well as the painted representation of Mexico’s past by muralist Diego Rivera. Taking a walk along some of the center’s iconic streets you will arrive at the Palace of Fine Arts where you can explore its varied architecture.

Optional Experience (Not Included)

Hot Air Ballooning Private Experience

This rare experience is well worth the early morning required. See the sunrise over the Valley of Teotihuacán as you pass over the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon in your own private hot-air balloon.

You will be in the air for roughly 40 minutes, taking in the sheer size of the religious and ceremonial center of the Aztecs and looking out over vistas of the surrounding valley.

Once the gentle flight is over, toast the flight with sparkling wine, as has been done since the first days of hot-air ballooning, before heading to a breakfast buffet at a nearby restaurant.

Since hot-air balloons have no steering mechanism, exact routes are dictated by wind patterns, so the proximity to the pyramids will depend on the wind conditions.

Overnight: Four Seasons Mexico City


Day 3: Chinampas Private Experience in Xochimilco and Casa Azul

Discover the ancient chinampas of Xochimilco on this morning nature experience in the south of Mexico City. To begin, your private guide will meet you at your hotel.

Take a 30-minute Trajinera boat ride through the Xochimilco canals to arrive at La Chinampa Del Sol. Also known as ´floating gardens, chinampas are small plots of land built on the canals, a technique used to grow crops that dates back to Mesoamerican times.

Discover the importance of this agricultural heritage system as you explore with Lucio Usobiaga, founder of the local chinampa project. Learn about agroecology and how millions of species shape ecosystems from your expert, as you´re amazed by various vegetables, flowers, and herbs.

While at La Chinampa del Sol, you´ll enjoy a delicious lunch prepared by Don Francisco Contreras, a local producer of native blue and white corn. Savour fresh quesadillas with huitlacoche (corn mushroom), pumpkin flowers, and spinach, as well as pork shawl gorditas, tlacoyos and chinampa salad.

Before returning to the pier by Trajinera, you may like to include a short stop at a second chinampa where a local family runs an axolotl farm. The refuge supports the reproduction of these enigmatic and rare amphibians, on the verge of extinction, which have the unique ability to regenerate parts of the body. Get to know three types of this unusual animal at the farm, where your visit will support axolotl conservation.

Once in land, you will head to Frida Kahlo’s Blue House. The house where Mexican painter Frida Kahlo was born and later died, is now a museum dedicated to her life. Through observing her house, her art and reading her words you will learn more about this painter who has become an iconic figure in Mexico and beyond.

At the end of the experience, you´ll be privately driven back to your hotel.

Overnight: Four Seasons Mexico City


Day 4: Mexico City private tour to Cholula via Paso de Cortes with a traditional lunch and drop-off in Puebla & Evening Culinary Experience in Puebla

Today after breakfast and hotel check out, you will be driven to the city of Cholula.

Along the way, stop at Paso de Cortes, a pass 3,600 meters above sea level between the volcanoes, Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl. From here, enjoy views of the Malintzin (or Malinche) volcano, the Orizaba Peak, the Ajusco volcano, the Valley of Mexico, and the Sierra de las Cruces.

Stop to enjoy a regional lunch, tasting fresh blue corn quesadillas stuffed with chicken tinga or squash blossoms as well as a warm cup of atole or coffee.

After, continue to Cholula, considered the oldest continuously inhabited city in the Americas. Walk Cholula’s tunnels, climb the temple dedicated to Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, and visit the museum and Patio de los Altares.

Upon conclusion, you will be driven to your hotel in Puebla

This Evening, enjoy a private culinary demonstration and meal at a private kitchen in Puebla.

Located in the heart of the city, your experience will take place in a historic casona (traditional old house), where a private chef will guide you through the stories and ingredients behind a dish emblematic of the region, Mole Poblano.

Relax as you first enjoy a demonstration of how this classic regional meal is prepared, before savoring the rich flavors accompanied by a specially selected wine pairing. You´ll be treated to a traditional appetizer, mole poblano, a dessert, and coffee to round out the experience.

After an evening of delicious flavors and good company, you´ll be privately driven back to your hotel.

*Please be aware that weather conditions in the Paso de Cortes may interfere with mountain and volcano views.*

Overnight: Banyan Tree Puebla


Day 5: Private Talavera workshop experience, Puebla historic center 

Today, your journey begins with a visit to Uriarte Talavera.

Talavera Poblana, traditional Mexican and Spanish pottery and earthenware has been a labor of love for skillful artisans for centuries, and this morning experience begins with a visit to Uriarte Talavera, the largest fabricator of Talavera in all Latin America. This Puebla factory, housed in the original home of Don Ignacio Uriarte, operated as a family workshop until the 1990’s. When Puebla was founded in 1531, the Spanish commissioned artisans from Talavera de la Reina to produce tiles for the churches, thus bringing the tradition to the New World. Enjoy a private factory and showroom tour, and then join in a ceramic hand-painting workshop experience.

After your morning at the pottery factory, visit the historic center of Puebla, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Can’t-miss highlights include the renowned Capilla del Rosario, boasting Mexican Baroque architecture and 23-carat gold leaf adornment throughout the church; beautiful City Hall; Zócalo (the main square) and the impressive Biblioteca Palafoxiana, founded in 1646 and the oldest library in the Americas. The cloistered Baroque building is impressive with the ornate Virgin of Trapani altar and rich 18th-century wood bookshelves and was recognized by the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 2005. At the end of this culture-filled day, sit back and enjoy your private transfer back to the hotel. You’ll have time for lunch on your own.

Overnight: Banyan Tree Puebla


Day 6: Day at Leisure in Puebla

This day is for you to explore colonial Mexico on your own, or enjoy any of the great optional activities (not included) that can be arranged upon request, such as:

  • Half Day Foodie Walking Experience in the Historic Center of Puebla
  • Explore Cantona Archaeological Site
  • Explore local Museums:
    • The Barroco International Museum (closed on Mondays)
    • The Amparo Museum (closed on Tuesdays)
    • Los Fuertes


Day 6: Private transfer to Mexico City Airport

After breakfast and hotel check out, your private driver will meet you and take you to Mexico City Airport for your departure flight.


Our trips are fully customized, allowing us to build your itinerary for any time of the year.


Our custom-tailored journeys start from $1,000 USD per day for two travelers. Contact us today to discuss your travel desires and design a personalized proposal with exact pricing.

Please note, our pricing guideline is a starting from price and is not necessarily applicable to the suggested hotels contained within the suggested itineraries on this web site. Itineraries are customized prior to final pricing.