#MexicoToday: The Mexico Tourism Board recently wrapped up “The Mexico Day,” a seven city roadshow in the US cities of Chicago, New York, Washington DC, Seattle, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Houston. Inviting the top travel industry professionals, Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism, Gloria Guevara, met with CEOs and Executives from airlines, wholesalers, tour operators and media to reinforce Mexico’s presence and promotional strategy in the high-potential US market.
During the event, a presentation was given with emphasis on Mexico’s tourism advantages and national priority to become one of the ‘Top 5 Tourist Destinations in the World.’ It leveraged it’s 37 UNESCO World Heritage sites, 40,000+ archeological sites, 3,000 years of history and 62 ethnic groups while proudly boasting Mexico’s growing tourism infrastructure, its grand investments, as well as the country’s 97 % guest satisfaction rating. The message that “There is Confidence in Mexico,” was clear as they assured that incoming tourism numbers are continuing to grow and that Mexico continues to be the number one destination for American travelers.
Rodolfo López Negrete, The Mexico Tourism Board’s COO, disclosed Mexico’s powerful objectives and campaign to encourage travel to the country for the upcoming fall/winter season. One of the initiatives is a campaign called “The Mayan World: The Beginning of a New Age,” which will celebrate Mexico’s Mayan archaeological sites and display that it is possible to visit the living Mayan Culture for a deeper examination of the 2012 prophecies. Mexico sees this as the opportune moment to position itself as a rival to other iconic cultural travel destinations like Egypt and China.
Also lined up for the season is a series of commercial campaigns featuring Cancun, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta. The ads display not only the beautiful beaches of these cities but also natural wonders, modern aspects, and cultural heritage. An investment of $30 million will be spent on television, print, online and trade advertising. A comparable figure from last year’s budget when releasing their new slogan “Mexico, The Place You Thought You Knew.” Negrete also noted that Mexico is concentrating on positioning itself as a diverse and world-class destination for adventure travelers as it is a very strong market with high value. As a result, Mexico is hosting the Adventure Travel World Summit this October, something Journey Mexico is proudly involved in.
These initiatives, alongside their constant monitoring of media coverage and proactively addressing security issues, hope to propel Mexico to achieve the goals they stive for and keep the positive momentum going. The Mexico Day roadshow is now on it’s way to Russia and Brasil, revealing similar facts and figures in their effort to capture the growing markets and enforce Mexican tourism opportunities.