Twitter Chat with Travel +Leisure

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Planning a trip to Mexico and not sure where to start, where to go, or how to prepare? Then join Travel+Leisure on Twitter  for a live chat about Mexico! On Tuesday, February 18th at 2pm EST, travel experts, including Journey Mexico,  will be joining a select panel to answer all your questions. See full details here on the Travel and Leisure website.

Before the chat, be sure to pend a few minutes thinking about what you’d like to get out of your trip to Mexico so that you can make the most of this opportunity. You can post your questions as soon as the chat starts.

Merida Luxury Resort
The Travel+Leisure Twitter chat is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th, at 2 p.m. Eastern Time.

Getting there is easy. Simply head to twitter and follow the hashtag #TL_Chat.

The hand-picked travel experts for the Mexico edition of #TL_Chat include @JourneyMexico, @TripAdvisor, @GrupoHabita, @LiveAqua, @LosCabosTourism, @RivieraMaya and others. Be sure to follow the panel and also @TravlandLeisure.

Travel + Leisure will pulse out some questions for the panel to answer, you are welcome to answer wit your own responses or ask questions of your own. Remember to always add the hashtag #TL_Chat to your tweets.

All tweets are subject toTravel +Leisure social media terms and conditions and may be used in any and all media including editorial. See full social media terms and conditions. 

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